
The day he sat upon the days adorned it

يوم الجلوس على الأيام تياه

1. The day he sat upon the days adorned it
With a planet whose radiance illuminated the world

١. يوم الجلوس على الأيام تيّاهُ
بكوكبٍ بهر الدنيا محيّاهُ

2. My Lord named him Ismail and his father named him
Success, and God named him Al-Mansur

٢. سماه مولاي إسماعيل والدُه
توفيقَ واللَه بالمنصور سماه

3. Justice is his principle, grace is his garment
Generosity is his trait, and distinction is his companion

٣. العدل عدته والفضل حلته
والبذل شيمته والفصل نجواه

4. He is the prince who shepherds his people
With favors, and God's eye watches over him

٤. فهو الأمير الذي يرعى رعيته
بالمكرمات وعين اللَه ترعاه

5. Whoever seeks pardon will find it from him
And whoever refuses and loves death, he will grant it

٥. من آب يطلب منه العفو أدركه
ومن أبى وأحب الموت يعطاه

6. Bow in submission to him, O people, and consider
He is the sword with which God overwhelms

٦. أدوا الخضوع له يا قوم واعتبروا
فهو الحسام الذي يسطو به اللَه

7. May God not have mercy on the free man who does not make peace with him
Nor torment the slave who does not forget him

٧. لا يرحم اللَه حرّاً لا يسالمه
ولا يعذب عبداً ليس ينساه

8. So people live in his abundant shade blessed
May God support Tawfiq and watch over him

٨. فالناس في ظله الضافي مؤرخة
اللَه ينصر توفيقاً ويرعاه