1. The hand of obsession played with her lovers
The breeze played with the flame of the torch
١. لعبت بعاشقها يد الوسواسِ
لعب النسيم بشعلة النبراسِ
2. A Damascene girl with a soft stature
But she turned away with a harsh heart
٢. شاميةٌ وافت بقدٍّ ليِّنٍ
لكنها ولّت بقلبٍ قاسِ
3. My heart, how severely it pounds
When her slender figure sways
٣. لله قلبي ما أشدّ خفوقه
عند اهتزاز قوامها المياسِ
4. As if her figure were the telegraph of love
And my heart the page of parchment
٤. فكأن قامتها تلغراف الهوى
وكأن قلبي صفحة القرطاسِ