
My Master, the garden of joy has not withered,

مولاي روض الحظ ما يبسا

1. My Master, the garden of joy has not withered,
Nor has the zeal for excellence and generosity diminished,

١. مولاي روض الحظِّ ما يبسا
وحمى الصفا والجود ما درسا

2. And the wind is still gloriously blowing,
Shedding some of its light upon us,

٢. والراح ما زالت مشعشعة
تجلو لنا من نورها قبسا

3. So let us hurry to inhale its free air,
A monastery that knows no impurity.

٣. فاسرع لنحسوها معتَّقةً
ديريةً لا تعرف الدنسا

4. If you were to taste it, my Master,
You would think it honeycomb from its sweetness.

٤. لو ذقت يا مولاي ريقتها
لحسبتها من طيبها لعسا

5. The minister wants to employ me
And benefit me, refreshing my soul,

٥. إن الوزير رأى يوظفني
ويفيدني مع ذلك النفسا

6. So today I come on foot, and tomorrow,
If he is true, I shall ride a steed.

٦. فاليوم تأتي ماشياً وغداً
إن كان يصدق تركب الفرسا