
Have you seen how my beloved dispelled my worries

أرأيت كيف نفى الحبيب همومي

1. Have you seen how my beloved dispelled my worries
With the princess of drinks and fragrances?

١. أرأيت كيف نفى الحبيب همومي
بأميرة المشروب والمشمومِ

2. Have you seen a full moon like him in the darkness
Or smelled a sun like it among stars?

٢. أرأيت بدراً مثله بغلالةٍ
أو شمت شمساً مثلها بنجوم

3. A blonde described for the slain as intimate
And her breeze for the mad lover

٣. صهباء يوصف للقتيل حميمها
ونيسيمها للعاشق المحموم

4. The redness of his cheek does not know from its rose
Or is its rose from his veiled cheek?

٤. لم تدر حمرة خده من وردها
أم وردها من خده الملثوم

5. She was with me like a dove in my nights
Oh Amr, were it not for a group like owls

٥. كانت بها مثل الحمامة ليلتي
يا عمرو لولا عصبةٌ كالبوم

6. When they saw my infatuation with her and my madness
And my swooning for her charms and composition

٦. لما رأوا كلفي بها وصبابتي
وتغزلي بحبابها المنظوم

7. And my mouth kissing her cup and sipping it
And my hand wiping its brim with my clothes

٧. وفمي يقبل كاسها ويعبُّها
ويدي تمسِّحُ دنَّها بهدومي

8. They said you are deprived of the wine by drinking it
Yet it is the wine and desire of the deprived

٨. قالوا حُرمتَ من الرحيق بشربها
وهي الرحيق وشهوة المحروم

9. So I replied, leave the wine for the Muslim
And give the Christians the wine of Fayoum

٩. فأجبتهم خلوا الرحيقَ لمسلم
واَعطوا النصارى خمرة الفيّوم

10. I and the One who created the wine and others
Do not replace what is known with what is imagined

١٠. أنا والذي خلق الرحيق وغيره
لا أبدل المعلوم بالموهوم

11. With the promised Kauthar is this drink
Filtered from this gazelle of Rome

١١. بالكوثر الموعود هذا المشرب ال
منقود من هذا الغزال الرومي

12. So they left and I was not deprived of her aroma
Oh Amr between generous and vineyards

١٢. فمضوا ولم أحرم شميم عرارها
يا عمرو بين أكارمٍ وكروم