
My beloved, how sweet is the purity of his beauty,

خليلي ما أحلى الجمال صفاه

1. My beloved, how sweet is the purity of his beauty,
For that is the one I love, never bereft of his grace.

١. خليليَّ ما أحلى الجمال صِفاهُ
فذاك حبيب لا عدمت صَفاهُ

2. His cheek touched by the redness of ruby,
And the basil of perfume added its fragrance.

٢. ألمَّ بياقوت الملاحة خده
وزاد بريحان العذار شذاه

3. His forehead shines amongst all people,
A bright moon that never loses its splendor.

٣. وأشهر بين السالفين جبينه
مهند فرق لا يغيب سناه

4. When the ignorant night looks upon his brilliance,
It says to the darkness, "Conceal and withdraw!"

٤. إذا نظر الليل البهيمُ بهاءه
يقول لقتلي سَنَّهُ وجلاه

5. He took from the falcon of daytime its whiteness,
So the raven of night flew away when it saw him.

٥. تناول من باز النهار بياضه
فطار غراب الليل حين رآه

6. And the Creator gave him the eyes of a gazelle,
Wary of the hunter's arrow poised to fly.

٦. وخوله الباري عيون غزالةٍ
تحاذر قناصاً بسنِّ مُداه

7. He has a slender waist without any corpulence,
We imagine it there but cannot see it.

٧. فواتر إلّا أنهن فواتكٌ
يفارق منهن المحب كراه

8. His shoulders bear no heavier burden than camphor,
Though they demolished the strength of his lovers.

٨. يبدن بأقواس الحواجب صبره
وهن ضعافٌ لا يُبدن هواه

9. With the arches of his eyebrows he shows patience,
While they are weak, not displaying his love.

٩. وصفحة بلّور ألمَّ بها السُهى
وجانس فيها من سهيل أخاه

10. His cheek is a page of crystal, graced by shyness,
Adjoining it the star Suhail like a brother.

١٠. إن استترت بالسندسية خلتَها
حديقة رمّان تسرُّ جناه

11. If he covers himself in silken robes,
He is a pomegranate garden, its fruits a delight.

١١. تجاور خصراً لا وجود لجرمه
نقرُّ به وهماً وليس نراه

12. What the people all love after this one,
Is against the faith of my heart, loving only him.

١٢. وماجبل الكافور أثقل من ربا
روادفِهِ اللائي هدمن قواه

13. Ask my beloved for mercy to a lover surrendered,
Mercy amidst the fires of passion and longing.

١٣. حُمِلن بساق للعليل يسوقها
إذا قعدت عنه يقوم عزاه

14. Or seek out if his apparition proves difficult,
Some drops of my tears, perhaps I will see him.

١٤. وما بعد هذا يعشق الناس كلهم
وإيمان قلبي لا يحب سواه

15. And the sanctity of a love whose permanence I wished,
And bygone promises he did not intend to keep.

١٥. سلاه خليليَّ الرضوخ لعاشقٍ
سلاه بنيران الهوى وسلاه

16. For none but you, my faith's life, am I a lover,
You are my heart, my purpose, my delight.

١٦. أو التمسا إن عز ذاك خيالَه
وبعضَ كَرَى عيني لعل أراه

١٧. وحرمةَ ودٍّ ما أَحَبَّ دوامَه
وسالفَ وعدٍ لا يريد وفاه

١٨. لغيرك محيي الدين ما أنا عاشق
فأنت مني قلبي وأنت عناه