1. My dawn has not brightened, nor has my dawn become radiant,
Since the beloved departed, my dawn has faded.
١. ما صبوحي وما تبلُّجُ صبحي
بعد ما فارق الكنانة صبحي
2. The convoy of the minister set out from us one day,
Leaving us in the darkness of night bereft.
٢. سار ركب الوزير عنا نهاراً
فعرانا من الدجى ألف جنح
3. O Lord protect the minister, purifier of glory,
Soleem Al Khillal is pure from all impurity.
٣. يا رعى اللَه والياً قادح الزن
د سليم الخلال من كل قدح
4. He relieves the chest with joy and congeniality,
His generosity makes gifts unnecessary for all.
٤. يشرح الصدر بالبشاشة والجو
د ويغْني الوفود عن كل شرح
5. His generosity flows with splendor and glory,
Forged from the brilliance of praise and eulogy.
٥. جاده جوده بحلية مجد
صاغها من نضار حمد ومدح
6. He is a lion made great by God,
A rain that God sent to end the drought.
٦. فهو ليثٌ دحى به اللَه ضرّي
وهو غيث محا به اللَه كدحي
7. He is a light that ignites my mind,
He is a wall against which my castle rests.
٧. وهو نورٌ به توقد ذهني
وهو سورٌ به تمرد صرحي
8. He made my wine glass the highest constellation,
After it had followed behind every glass.
٨. صار قِدحي به الأشم المعلى
بعد ما كان تالياً كل قدح
9. Through his bounty, the deprived gained glory,
Becoming men of stature, sword and spear.
٩. وبجدوى يديه صار عديم ال
جاه ذا صولة وسيف ورمح
10. Rejoice, my heart, at the return of the generous minister,
His kindness is rain after drought.
١٠. جلق استبشري بعودة والٍ
جوده للعسار أول ممح
11. Is not the minister the dawn, and for the dawn
Is not return inevitable after departure?
١١. أوليس الوزير صبحاً وللصب
ح رجوع يكون بعد التنحي
12. May God prolong the life of my absent one,
Who achieved success through benevolence.
١٢. لا أطال الإله عمر بعادي
عن وزير أطال بالخير نجحي
13. I was healed from the turns of night,
But he healed me and stitched my wounds.
١٣. كنت أشفيت من صروف اليالي
فشفاني به وأدمل جرحي
14. O you who settled in my heart,
Remain forever gentle, surpassing all gentleness.
١٤. أيها الرحل المقيم بقلبي
دمت سمحاً مفاخراً كل سمح
15. Fulfill your promise, so life may ebb and flow,
And spread goodness and profit in the land.
١٥. سر وعد فالحيا يروح ويغدو
ليعم الورى بخيرٍ وربح