
As if the mole between the eyebrows were a youth

كأنما الخال بين الحاجبين فتى

1. As if the mole between the eyebrows were a youth
Who finds the writing beautiful, infatuated with two N's

١. كأنما الخال بين الحاجبين فتىً
يستحسنُ الخطَّ مفتونٌ بنونينِ

2. Or a powerful king of the Zinj rulers
Who shoots with two bows or makes bloody with two swords

٢. أو فارس من ملوك الزنج مقتدرٌ
يرمي بقوسين أو يدمي بسيفينِ

3. Or a bird of prey swooping down on its prey
Which every admiring and ambitious one desires

٣. أو طائرٌ جارحٌ يهوي على شركٍ
يهواه كل مشوق طامح العين

4. He saw him pulling my heart with passion, so he swooped down
To snatch the heart from me with his wings

٤. رآه يسحب قلبي بالهوى فهوى
ليخطف القلب مني بالجناحين