1. Tell the one who loves eloquent speech,
Leave him, for more eloquent than his eloquence is blindness,
١. قل للذي يهوى البيان المحكما
دعه فأملح من ملاحته العمى
2. And beware of revealing an enlightened address,
For people have become an obscure response,
٢. وتوقَّ أن تبدي خطاباً نيِّراً
فالناس قد صارت جواباً مظلما
3. Live ignorantly, you will find ignorance a cloak,
And ignorance glory, and foolishness profitable,
٣. عش جاهلاً تجد الغباوة سكَّراً
والجهل جاهاً والبلادة مغنما
4. The life of the eloquent is more bitter than
The life of the sick when he takes aloes,
٤. عيش الفصيح من القريض أمرُّ من
عيش المريض إذا تناول علقما
5. And who has his eloquence pushed away adversity,
Except the heart of the king, may his glory last,
٥. ومن الذي دفعت فصاحته الظما
إلّا فؤاد الملك دام معظما
6. The best chests are pastures of knowledge,
And gentleness, subtleties and generosity,
٦. خير الصدور المترعات معارفاً
وعوارفاً ولطائفاً وتكرما
7. Does anyone other than him rule the world with talents?
If they were formulated, they would become stars,
٧. أفغيره ساد الورى بصنائعٍ
لو أنها صيغت لصارت أنجما
8. The disagreements that differed testified to them, and did not
Agree that they agreed, awake and imagining,
٨. شهدت لها الملل التي اختلفت وما ات
تفق اَنَّها اتفقت رِياً وتوهما
9. My Master, my eloquence did not give me
The livelihood of the tearful, but left my tear blood,
٩. مولاي إن فصاحتي لم تعطني
قوت الدمى بل غادرت دمعي دما
10. As if the fingers of Vizier Muhammad
Were slaughtered before my eyes, an accursed criminal,
١٠. حتى كأن ظُبَى الوزير محمدٍ
ذبحت على عيني لئيماً مجرما
11. Preventing him from employing an honest servant
Who is chaste of bribery and does not violate sanctities,
١١. ينهاه عن توظيف عبد صادق
عف الرِدا لا يستبيح محرما
12. If he were one of those who plotted treachery
He would come to you riding a blond or ruddy horse,
١٢. لو كان ممن في الخيانة أدلجوا
لأتاك يركب أشقراً أو أدهما
13. And you would see him in his house, and the house is
From his properties, extravagant and pretentious,
١٣. ورأيته في بيته والبيت من
أملاكه متنفّشاً متعرّما
14. Like those you knew competing over
The wealth of estates, pampered and lavish,
١٤. مثل الذين عهدتم متنازعي
مال الضياع مدنَّراً ومدرهما
15. Ask their families, did their fathers leave them
This wealth or did they find it accumulated?
١٥. سل آلهم هل خلفت آباؤهم
هذا الغنى أم صادفوه مكوَّما
16. And have mercy on the heedlessness of the governor who
Has become a ladder for the treacherous,
١٦. وارحمتاه لغفلة الوالي الذي
صارت لأرباب الخيانة سلَّما
17. If the governor of Damascus had not been their partner
He would not have become like a silent beast.
١٧. لو لم يكن والي الشآم شريكهم
ما كان أصبح كالبهيمة أبكما