
Behold, He who is worshipped by none but His servants,

ألا والذي لا يعبد العبد غيره

1. Behold, He who is worshipped by none but His servants,
And does not forget the merit of the wise and the free,

١. ألا والذي لا يعبد العبد غيره
ولا يتناسى فضله الحازم الحر

2. I have repented from frivolous love and vanity,
And no longer ponder what they desire,

٢. لقد تبت عن حب الجآذر والمهى
ولم يبق لي في ما يريدونه فكر

3. God has accepted my repentance when I called Him,
I turned away from my ignorance, praise and thanks be to Him.

٣. وتاب علي اللَه لما دعوته
وأعرضت عن جهلي له الحمد والشكر