
No, and the lovebirds dance among the virgins,

لا ورقص الحباب بين العذارى

1. No, and the lovebirds dance among the virgins,
And my morning comes from the intoxicating eyes.

١. لا ورقص الحباب بين العذارى
واصطباحي من العيون السكارى

2. We did not ask for your neighborhood out of fickleness,
The passionate dwell in it, and it contains passion.

٢. ما سلونا جواركم بثغيرٍ
جاور الأقحوان فيه العقارا

3. So be gentle with this heart, O angels,
For gentleness is a duty towards captives.

٣. فارفقوا بالفؤاد يا ماليكه
إنما الرفق واجب بالأسارى

4. Do not mind the ignorant of love, those who
Cannot tell musk, and mistake musk for dirt.

٤. لا تبالوا بجاهل الحب من لا
يعرف المسك يحسب المسك قارا

5. We are a people who see love as a religion,
And avoiding loved ones as shame.

٥. نحن قومٌ نرى المحبة ديناً
والتلاهي عن الأحبة عارا

6. All who succeed in love with us
Are specks that outweigh tons.

٦. كل من فاز بالمحبة منا
حبةٌ منه ترجح القنطارا

7. Woe to my heart from she who denies the lover
Her water, and gives away dinars,

٧. وَيل قلبي من التي تمنع الصب
بَ لماها وتبذل الدينارا

8. And hides her beauty in the veil of night,
Not seeing anything in it but daytime.

٨. وتواري البها بليل قناعٍ
لا ترى العين في سواه نهارا

9. I have become to her fancy, and my heart
Has become fire, and my tears a stream.

٩. صرت في صدها خيالاً وقلبي
صار ناراً ومدمعي تيارا

10. All I prepared of armor for patience
I displayed from her eyelids pierced.

١٠. كل ما ابتعت للتصبر درعاً
أشهرت من جفونها بتارا

11. I wish I knew, as my hair turned white,
If she would choose me as a visitor to her home,

١١. ليت شعري وقد تلون شعري
تصطفيني لدارها زوّارا

12. And show me her virgins after my hair whitened,
The virgins' hair blackened and the excuses paled.

١٢. وتريني عذارها بعد ما ابيض
ض عذاري وسود الأعذارا

13. My longing for her has been prolonged, and my stay with her shortened,
May God shorten their lives.

١٣. طال واحسرتاه وعدي وبعدي
قصر اللَه منهما الأعمارا

14. And love the life of my master, the valiant Shihāb ‘Abd al-Qādir,
Of long generosity and flowing nobility.

١٤. وحبا عمر سيدي الشهم عبد ال
قادر الطول والصفا المدرارا

15. He is the axis of highness and the circle of glory,
An ocean of dew, and a lion of valor.

١٥. فهو قطب العلى ودائرة المج
د وبحر الندى وليث الغيارى

16. The generous one whose palms compete
To fulfill the seekers of his thoughts.

١٦. والكريم الذي تسابق كفا
ه لطلّاب نيله الأفكارا

17. If he threatened the sun it would darken,
And if he scolded the clouds they would pour.

١٧. والذي لو توعد الشمس أدجت
وإذا هدَّد العرمرم غارا

18. And if the young, foolish boys
Disobeyed him, he would lead noblemen and the righteous.

١٨. وإذا فاه غادر الصبية الأغ
مار بالعلم سادةً أبرارا

19. Adorned with the crown of perfection,
He surpassed Chosroes and prided himself with his house.

١٩. والمحلَّى من الكمال بتاجٍ
ساد كسرى به وفاخر دارا

20. If the crescent contained him it would shine like a full moon,
And its dark night appear as daylight.

٢٠. لو حواه الهلال أشرق بدراً
وبدا ليله البهيم نهارا

21. The suns shy away from him in shame,
While he is kind handed and will not shy away.

٢١. تتوارى الشموس منه حياءً
وهو سمح اليدين لن يتوارى

22. Every time that has passed without my praising him
Has made me ashamed of my life.

٢٢. كل وقتٍ مضى ولم أمتدحه
فيه أضحى على حياتي عارا

23. God did not adorn him with a garment of virtue
That embraced a noble horseman.

٢٣. لا سباه الإله حلية فضلٍ
عانقت منه فارساً كرارا

24. His generosity gave me a gushing sea,
After which the seas became vapor.

٢٤. جادني جوده بحار نضارٍ
خلت من بعدها البحار بخارا

25. O my refuge, boasting of whom has become
The boast of the lands, and in boasting him they pride themselves.

٢٥. يا ملاذي الذي افتخار البرايا
صار عند افتخاره فخّارا

26. It was the feast of servants, and it became through you
A bride that competes with the ages.

٢٦. كان عيد العباد فذّاً فأضحى
بك زوّاً يفاخر الأعصارا

27. So submit, submit to every great feast
That manifests from you a great star.

٢٧. فاسلم اسلم لكل عيدٍ كبيرٍ
يجتلي منك كوكباً كُبّارا

28. Most excellent of both worlds in creation and character,
Pride, delight and power.

٢٨. أحسن العالمين خلقاً وخلقاً
وافتخاراً وبهجةً واقتدارا