1. For Allah, I have a songbird I was blessed with
How sweet are her pillows and how fragrant her mouth
١. للَّهِ غانية حظيت بها فما
أحلى مراشفها وأطيبها فما
2. She traveled and the planet of her cheek is silver
So I kissed it until it kissed back when
٢. سفرت وكوكب خدها من فضةٍ
فلثمته حتى تلثم عندما
3. And I kept the secret of being with her so it spread
The traces of that kiss taught when they educated
٣. وكتمت سر وصالها فأذاعه
آثارُ ذاك اللثم لما علَّما
4. Today my heart is not weary in the worn out chest
Fearful, nor is my longing for the cold beloved
٤. فاليوم لا وجدي بضامرة الحشى
خافٍ ولا شوقي لباردة اللمى
5. Woe to parting, it did not shed tears
But shed blood and deprived tranquil sleep
٥. ويل الفراق فما أراق مدامعاً
لكن أراق دماً وأرَّق ضيغما
6. What is upon me when I am not the first poet
Who loved rhyming when my blood was gifted wine
٦. ماذا علي ولست أول شاعرٍ
يهوى الجناس إذا وهبت دمي الدُمَى
7. And my youth was limited to the pupils of temptation
And I sought with praise the greatest Imam
٧. وقصرت تشبيبي على حدق المهى
وقصدت بالمدح الإمامَ الأعظما
8. The master of Sharia, the might of the religion whom
Damascus through him became gardens with landmarks
٨. علم الشريعة عزة الدين الذي
صارت دمشق به جناناً معلما
9. A just ruler whom Allah made righteous
And shows mercy to the needy and forbids the sinner
٩. حكمٌ براه اللَه يكرم صالحاً
ويبرُّ محتاجاً ويحرم مجرما
10. He has a long hand that pours when extended
Pearls and on days of peace it rains blessings
١٠. وله يدٌ طولى تصب إذا سطا
علقاً ويوم السلم تمطر أنعما
11. And a brilliance that if I was one who believed
In the myth of astrology I would have said an astrologer
١١. وفطانةٌ لو كنتُ ممن آمنوا
بخرافة التنجيم قلتُ منجما
12. O best of those who gave and most eloquent of those who narrated
And firmest of those who pulled the rope and belonged
١٢. يا خير من أعطى وأفصح من روى
وأشد من شد المطهم وانتمى
13. I do not praise al-Qal'i except as a sinner
Who corrupted the country with his oppression and injustice
١٣. ما أحمد القلعي إلّا فاسقٌ
خرب البلاد بظلمه وتظلما
14. Issuing fatwas without knowledge and washing
His hands with soil when he prays and lying while sacred
١٤. يفتي بلا علمٍ ويغسل بالطلا
يده إذا صلى ويكذب مُحْرِما
15. And says the word of Allah is created and does not
Accept one who made adultery forbidden
١٥. ويقول قول اللَه مخلوقٌ ولا
يرضى بمن جعل الزناء محرما
16. And with him is a gang of the people of Lot
Who destroyed him with the destruction of the blood-shedders
١٦. ولديه من أصحاب لوطٍ عصابةٌ
فتكت به فتك النواصب بالدمى
17. And with all these major sins he stands
Haughtily, arrogantly, boastfully
١٧. ويقوم مع هذي الكبائر كلها
متبختراً متكبراً متعظما
18. Should we be satisfied with the likes of this and the sun's satisfaction
From the ruler of the world and sovereign of the sky
١٨. أبمثل ذا نرضى وللشمس الرضى
من عاهل الدنيا وجبار السما
19. Cast him away from us to the curse of his Lord
For the likes of him Allah created hell
١٩. طوح به عنا للعنة ربه
فلمثله خلق الإله جهنما
20. And surrender the rule to a noble, virtuous, excellent judge
Who does not leave the despicable ignoramus empowered
٢٠. واسلم ودم حكماً كريماً فاضلاً
لا يترك الفظ اللئيم مُحكَّما