
My happiness increased when I was near her

زادت سعاد بقربها بعدي

1. My happiness increased when I was near her
But she went away, saying "Bid me farewell"

١. زادت سعاد بقربها بعدي
فنأى يقول لها اسلمي بعدي

2. Her features glowed, so the sun bore her away
On a branch, on a mountain of foam

٢. وزهت فخلت الشمس يحملها
غصنٌ على جبل من الزبد

3. With mouth like a spring of Nabhan, so it
Revives, though her glances cause perdition

٣. في مرط نبهانيةٍ فمها
يحيى وصارم طرفها يردي

4. Were the shadow of his shirt to touch her, it would perish
As would one decked in silks of Yemen

٤. لو مس ظل قميصها يفنٌ
عادت عليه خلاعة المرد

5. I did not think I would see a moon
And by my side put out her face

٥. ما كنت أذعن أن أرى قمراً
عندي فأبطل وجهها عندي

6. Why should I and the wind be here, when she came
And drinking between spear-tips and roses?

٦. ما لي وما للراح إن حضرت
والشرب بين الآس والورد

7. Her furnishings are "Ease" and her cheeks "Roses"
And the drink in her sweet and the draughts pure wine

٧. وأثيثها آسي ووجنتها
وَردي وعذب رضابها وِردي

8. And the wind in her hair, her freshness,
Her conversation and the eye and the cheek

٨. والراح في فيها ونكهتها
وحديثها والعين والخد

9. I forget when I visit her, though the wind
Of coquetry has tangled her curling tresses

٩. لم أنس زورتها وقد لعبت
ريح الدلال بقدها الرندي

10. In her cradle we fought a battle
From which I emerged lord of the pact

١٠. وبدت لنا في المهد معركةٌ
أصبحت فيها صاحب البند

11. None has fought it but me, nor entered it
Save my hand and mine alone

١١. ما خاضها غيري ولا دخلت
فيها يدٌ إلا يدي وحدي

12. Were it not for morn turning her from me
I would turn playfulness into seriousness

١٢. لولا التقى والصبح يصرفها
عني صرفت الهزل بالجد

13. O Lord, until morn takes me
From her and my virtue opposes me

١٣. يا رب حتى الصبح يبعدني
عنها وحتى عفتي ضدي

14. Were it not that I follow those
Whose moons set, I would perish from passion

١٤. لولا التأسي بالذين نأت
أقمارهم لفنيت من وجدي

15. I emulate Damascus when there departed
From her the star of good fortune

١٥. لي أسوةٌ بالشام حين نأى
عنها سليم الكوكب السعدي

16. He has a Lord whose decisive speech
And excellent answers are sound judgment

١٦. مولى له فصل الخطاب وإم
لاء الجواب وصحة النقد

17. He does not turn from a steed roaming
To other than bounty and righteousness

١٧. لا ينثني عن سرج سابحة
تردي لغير سماحة تجدي

18. The years heap up ashes while he attains
What takes the place of crops and harvests

١٨. يغشى السنين الشهب نائله
فينوب عن زرع وعن حصد

19. When the war-cry calls, he calls for a hero
Who struts between white and black banners

١٩. وإذا الصريخ دعا دعا بطلاً
يختال بين البيض والملد

20. He plunges into the fray with a shining sword
That takes no joy in the scabbard's company

٢٠. يغشى الوغى بمهندٍ خذمٍ
لا يستلذ بصحبة الغمد

21. Moist of abode, as if its greenery
Were the first down upon the cheeks of boys

٢١. رطب القرار كأن خضرته
بدء العذار بأوجه المرد

22. It uproots grave fears, day after day
With continuous glory and renown

٢٢. يستأصل الخطب الجسيم به
يوماً ويوماً بالندى المجدي

23. The highest titles came to him in throngs
Calling him to the first without promise

٢٣. جاءت له رتب العلى فرقاً
تدعوه للأولى بلا وعد

24. But he chose the second and said to it
"None has attained the first but my grandfather"

٢٤. فاختار ثانية وقال لها
ما فاز بالأولى سوى جدي

25. The Prophet's grandson, though he is humble
Is still above the throne of Jupiter

٢٥. وابن النبي إذا تواضع لا
ينفك فوق الأطلس الغرد

26. Honor Ali's son, whom the mill of war on the day of multitudes
Has left wavering

٢٦. أكرم به ابن علىً يرنحه
يوم الطراد تكاثر الحشد

27. Of the lords who with them ruled existence
And marked with descendants their line

٢٧. من سادة ساد الوجود بهم
وسما بما نسلوا من الولد

28. Their destriers and their works on the day
The momentous joined with the wondrous

٢٨. تردي عواتقهم عواملهم
يوم اقتران الهام بالهندي

29. They ruled and you ruled, so I thank
The best of those my praise guides

٢٩. سادوا وسدت فكنت أحمدهم
يا خير من يهدى له حمدي

30. They lasted and you have remained a refuge, lasting as long as they lasted
And their imam in peace and in war

٣٠. داموا ودمت ملث ديمتهم
وإمامهم في الحل والعقد

31. You meet times in prosperity
With success, well-being, and joy

٣١. تستقبل الأعياد حاليةً
بالفوز والإقبال والسعد

32. And you drive want away with generosity, as
My happiness increased when I was near her

٣٢. وتذود بالجود العسار كما
ذادت سعاد بقربها بعدي