
Do your tears shed for the pain of separation run red,

أمن الفراق يراق دمعك احمرا

1. Do your tears shed for the pain of separation run red,
Or do longing and passion color them so?

١. أمن الفراق يراق دمعك احمرا
أم لاعج الأشواق فيه تصورا

2. Is it the valley dove who cries for you, or
The wild dove who has banished sorrow?

٢. وحمامة الوادي التي تبكيك أم
يعفورة النادي التي نفت الكرى

3. "My beloved's tears flowed, but did not flow
Far, for neither my she-camel nor my camel went on," she said.

٣. قالت جرى دمع المحب فما جرى
لا ناقتي سارت ولا جملي سرى

4. Can the cheek's down think that, though soft,
It hides the intention, O my friends, discerningly?

٤. أتخال ذات الخال أن صدودها
دون النوى يا صحابي تبصّرا

5. Of what use is nearness to the abodes when
This estrangement has become manifestly unfamiliar to me?

٥. ما نافعي قرب الديار وقد غدا
هذا النفار عليَّ بيناً منكرا

6. Woe to the injustice of coolness that makes a heart of affection
Turbid and lacerates the tearful eyes!

٦. ويلاه من جور الجفا قلب الصفا
كدراً وقرَّح بالدموع المحجرا

7. It has banished sorrow from me, and now that I have hired it out,
Why has my patience today become hateful?

٧. ونفى الكرى عني وما استأجرته
فعلام صبري اليوم صار له كرا

8. Would that my eyes were the eyes of the fever's thorns
That knew what the evildoers of passions did!

٨. ليت العيون عيون آرام الحمى
علمت بما صنعت بآساد الشرى

9. Glory to Him who revived us with them and destroyed us!
O lady of the cheek whose pendant

٩. هن الحمام لنا وهن حياتنا
سبحان من أحيى بهن ودمَّرا

10. Never fluttered above it and went forth,
My tears flowed from the injustice of your coolness;

١٠. يا ربة الخال الذي ما رفرف ال
خلخال يوماً فوقه وتصدرا

11. It made them flow and made them gush from your eyelids like a dagger.
So the doctor sees me healed by a drop

١١. دمعي جرى من جور صدك إنه
أجرى وأجرح من جفونك خنجرا

12. That you to any beseecher would stint;
And he sees for your hardness, O perfidious one, a stratagem

١٢. فترى يداويني الطبيب بقطرةٍ
من فيك تفضل كل شيءٍ قطّرا

13. To bring down the moons from the highest celestial sphere,
And to taste from the battle of your sword a draft

١٣. ويرى لصبك يا زليخة حيلةً
تستنزل الأقمار من أعلى الذرى

14. Whose flavor, if Yusuf had tasted, he would not have turned his back.
Good - as the mention of Muhammad made it good -

١٤. فيذوق من جريال فيك سلافةً
لو ذاق يوسف طعمها ما أدبرا

15. Is my praise that rivaled its fragrance with ambergris.
By him the Abode of Faith was exalted;

١٥. طابت كما طابت بذكر محمدٍ
مِدَحي التي حاكى شذاها العنبرا

16. The Mother of Villages was honored by the pilgrims of the villages.
And by his name, the demons of treachery were banished,

١٦. والٍ به دار الكنانة فاخرت
أم القرى بحجيج طلّاب القرى

17. And by his sword, the tyrants of the earth almost perished.
For it the caravans traveled secure from

١٧. ونفت شياطين الخيانة باسمه
وبسيفه كادت جبابرة الورى

18. Any enemy, bearing in their howdahs a jewel.
And from it injustices receded, just as

١٨. فسرت لها الركبان آمنةً من ال
عدوان تحمل في المهامه جوهرا

19. The ibexes of Duwar receded from the lion of the thickets.
So the world of his glory was adorned with the signs

١٩. وتباعدت عنها المظالم مثلما
بعدت كباش الدوِّ عن ليث الشرى

20. Of honor that the stars described as a spectacle.
No king generously bestows the like of them

٢٠. فازدان عالم مجده بعلائم ال
شرف التي حكت الكواكب منظرا

21. Save for one whose kingdom vies with Caesar's.
May God preserve him for us and make him last

٢١. من كل ملكٍ لا يجود بمثلها
إلّا لذي ملكٍ يماثل قيصرا

22. As long as the stars continue and light flows!

٢٢. اللَه يحفظه لنا ويديمه
ما غاب ديجورٌ وما نورٌ جرى