1. How luxuriant is al-Sham, O best of creatures!
Indeed, only your call which aimed towards generosity,
١. ما أترع الشام يا خير الورى نعما
إلّا نداك الذي بالطيبات همى
2. For you are the one with grace and justice, of which
The governors have prided themselves, and knowledge thanked abundantly,
٢. فأنت ذو الفضل والعدل الذي افتخرت
به الولاة ووالت شكره العلما
3. You are the star of the Most High, rather you are its watcher,
And you are its supporter, if an event becomes a star,
٣. وأنت نجم العلى بل أنت ناظره
وأنت ناصره إن حادثٌ نجما
4. Your devout servant pleads for kindness from an ignorant fate,
That brings tears flowing from the eyes of the eloquent, blood,
٤. غث عبدك البر من دهرٍ غباوته
تستنزل الدمع من عين الفصيح دما
5. It harms every despicable person of no manners,
And does not harm a generous one who is praised for his generosity,
٥. يَبَرُّ كلَّ لئيمٍ لا خلاق له
ولا يبرُّ كريماً يحمد الكرما
6. It gave all the fortunes to those whom if
The lions of evil were counted, it would count them as sheep,
٦. أعطى الحظوظ جميعاً للذين إذا
عُدَّت ليوث الشرى أعددتهم غنما
7. If you do not double my salary over their salaries,
I will say, perturbed, O most merciful of the merciful,
٧. إن لم تدع راتبي أضعاف راتبهم
أقول مضطرباً يا أرحم الرُحَما
8. I used to dislike equality with the ignorant,
And today my utmost desire is to win what
٨. قد كنت أكره بالجهال تسويتي
واليوم جل مرادي أن أفوز بما