
More generous than any fleeting holiday

لأكرم من عيد يروح ويغتدي

1. More generous than any fleeting holiday
Is the noble one whose nobility we emulate

١. لأكرمُ من عيدٍ يروح ويغتدي
كريمٌ به أهل المكارم تقتدي

2. Equalizing God's servants in the shade of His justice
For each has an eternal holiday in His blessings

٢. يساوي عبادَ اللَه في ظل عدله
فكلٌّ له عيدٌ بنعماه سرمدي

3. He is the master, son of the great, protector of his people
Muhammad Hamdi, the just, follower of the justice of Ahmad

٣. هو السيد ابن العظم رئبال قومه
محمد حمدي المقتفي عدل أحمد

4. A prince whose sweet speech flows like the Nile
Upon al-Qadir, the giver of rain and the helpless needy

٤. أميرٌ نداه العذب كالنيل قاطرٌ
على القادر الريان والعاجز الصدي

5. The holidays boast through him, for his holiday became theirs
And praise poems were gifted to him from every poet

٥. تباهت به الأعياد إذ صار عيدها
وأهدت له التمداح من كل منشد

6. So you remain, my master, a glorious holiday
For us and for Eid al-Adha wherever we are

٦. فلا زلت يا مولاي عيداً معظماً
لنا ولعيد النحر في كل مشهد

7. Say to your soul which hates evil, be at ease
For your love of good is the holiday of Muhammad

٧. تقول لنفس تبغض الشر أرخي
فحبك فعل الخير عيد محمد