
With your glorious tail, O son of the most noble of stars

بشهاب مجدك يا ابن أشرف من سما

1. With your glorious tail, O son of the most noble of stars
You have adorned the heights and risen above the tails of stars

١. بشهاب مجدك يا ابن أشرف من سما
زهت العلى وعلت على شهب السما

2. The virgins rejoiced when they saw
Greenery in every line of your structure

٢. واستبشرت حوران لما شاهدت
في كل خط من بنانك خضرما

3. So intercede with her radiance with the light of wise politics
That gives birth to civilization and progress as twins

٣. فاشفع بشاشتها بنور سياسةٍ
تلد التمدَّن والتقدم توأما

4. So that you may see a eulogy for Madhah every day
Flowing and composed like pearls

٤. لترى لمدحت كل يومٍ مدحة
مثل الجمان مرتَّلاً ومنظَّما

5. For He has chosen you as a loyal and honest guardian
Alive, refined and honored

٥. فقد اصطفاك لها ولياً وصادقاً
حي اللثام مهذباً ومكرَّما

6. He filled the garden and paradise with the light of Rounaq
Which purified time, so they both put on their finery

٦. ملأ الحديقة والجنان بنور رو
نقه الزمان فأصبحا كاسيهما

7. And when pages were filled with subtleties
They became a ladder to attain knowledge

٧. وإذا الصحائف باللطائف أمرعت
صارت لإدراك المعارف سلَّما

8. O knight of the time who took the heights
As his horse, and the bridle of knighthood as his adornment

٨. يا فارس الوقت الذي اتخذ العلا
فرساً وصمصام الفراسة مخذما

9. Block, excel, rise high, increase and excel with industries
The sons of the luminous Shahab have become confused

٩. سد وابق وارق وزد وته بصنائع
باهت بهن بنو شهاب الأنجما

10. So let the despicable slanderer be disgraced and humiliated
And let the generous Lord be respected and honored

١٠. فليخسأِ الشاني اللئيم محقَّراً
وليسلم المولى الكريم معظَّما