1. You strode like Rostam in the field of bravery
Learning the art of lions, you were well-trained
١. باريت في شوط الشجاعة رستما
أكلاكما فنَّ الأسود درستما
2. Gone is the son of gone, and with your name intact you’ve returned
The Druse wrongly judged the Muslim in you
٢. زال ابن زال وعاد باسمك سالماً
فاستجهل الدرزيُّ فيك المسلما
3. Blessed is the one from the mountain that submitted like it
A mountain blessed by the angels of the sky
٣. بوركت من جبل تسلَّم مثله
جبلاً تباركه ملائكة السما
4. The clouds wove thick snow for it
And endowed it with the bow of piety and glory
٤. حاك الغمامُ له الثلوجَ سوابغاً
وحباه من قوس التقية مخذما
5. You were appointed and soared with what you were appointed
And grew and goodness in you became abundant
٥. وُلِّيتَه فسما بما أوليته
ونما وصار الخير فيه عرمرما
6. With which prosperity does it silently praise in the morning
Entrusting your call to the silent speaker
٦. وغدا بأي الخصب يحمد ساكتاً
فاودع نداك الساكت المتكلما
7. God bless you, what an ally of politics
If it ruled the lame, they would stand
٧. للَه درك من حليف سياسةٍ
لو ساس عرجون الهلاك تقوما
8. Savagery and corruption almost prevailed with its justice
And the countries were adorned with civilization and progress
٨. كاد التوحش والفساد بعدله
وحبى البلاد تمدُّناً وتقدُّما
9. It reaped universal and preferential praise
And contained perfect and complete glory
٩. فجنى الثناء مجملاً ومفضلاً
وحوى الهناء مكملاً ومتمما