1. Though time may pass, I'll not forget
The glittering stars of memories yet
١. لم أنس لو طال المدى
وتقادمت شهبُ السنين
2. 'Ujana was miserly with me
Withholding her sweet brilliance, you see
٢. عجانة ضنت علَي
يَ بريقها العذب الثمين
3. But when I kissed her cheeks, like flour
And claimed that I deserved her flower
٣. لكنني لما لثم
تُ خدودها عدد الطحين
4. You were not as soft as dough, my dear
As the grinding stones that millstones steer
٤. وزعمت أني كفؤها
لانت كما لان العجين