
The day of ascension when humankind rejoiced,

يوم الجلوس الذي سرت به البشر

1. The day of ascension when humankind rejoiced,
A day that broke the jealous people's hearts.

١. يوم الجلوس الذي سرت به البشر
يومٌ به مهج الحساد تنفطر

2. A just king rose for religion and this life,
Judging as he desires, as fate decrees.

٢. قد قام للدين والدنيا به ملك
يجري القضاء بما يهواه والقدر

3. The Lord of the Throne named him Abdülhamid,
And gave him the name of the shining moon.

٣. سماه جارُ إلهِ العرشِ والدُه
عبدَ الحميد وأعطاه اسمه القمر

4. It's right for God to erase troubles through him,
Like the clearing of clouds at dawn's first light.

٤. حقٌّ على اللَه أن يمحو الخطوب به
محو الدجنة لما يسفر السحر

5. And to make all people equal through him, so no
Sorrows touch the pure in his days.

٥. وأن يساوي به بين العباد فلا
يلامس الصفو في أيامه الكدر

6. I seek refuge for him in God's book from a king
I said opposed him while enviers grew.

٦. أعيذه بكتاب اللَه من ملكٍ
قلت أعاديه والحساد قد كثروا

7. And from one who threatens God's trustee in straits,
And from one empowered by his victorious sword.

٧. ومن يناوي أمين اللَه في حرجٍ
ومن على سيفه المنصور يقتدر

8. May his realms be adorned with the pious,
So no danger knocks on his doors.

٨. سميذع شاد بالتقوى ممالَكه
فليس يخطر في أبوابه الخطر

9. All sins are at the doors of his mercy,
Unless they are beyond God's forgiveness.

٩. كل الذنوب لدى أبواب رحمته
ما لم يكن من حدود اللَه تغتفر

10. One like us, the Commander of the Faithful,
We rest in his shade and pride ourselves on him.

١٠. من مثلنا وأمير المؤمنين لنا
ظل ظليلٌ به نزهو ونفتخر

11. By God, neither sun nor moon that was extolled
In verse, neither nomad nor city dweller,

١١. واللَه ما نظرت شمسٌ ولا قمرٌ
مولى حكاه ولا بدو ولا حضر

12. For he is the greatest mercy that was heralded
In scriptures, verses and suras.

١٢. فإنه الرحمة العظمى التي وردت
بها الأحاديث والآيات والسور

13. The generosity of Ibn Zaida, a shade for his people,
And justice like Khusraw has no trace left.

١٣. جود ابن زائدةٍ ظلٌ لديمته
وعدل كسرى ولا فخرٌ له أثر

14. His palms, if they touched a rock,
A rock no water ever touched would turn green.

١٤. راحاته ديمتانِ اِن مسَّتا حجراً
ما مسه الماء يوماً أورق الحجر