1. Praise be to Allah, His mercy has spread
And the tyrants' power has vanished
١. الحمد للَه قد عمت مبرته
وبددت عزمات الجور قدرته
2. He has improved religion and life through an Able One
Who has devoted himself to establishing justice
٢. وجمل الدين والدنيا بمقتدرٍ
تكلفت بدوام العدل همته
3. A virtuous, chaste, forbearing, capable one, whose wisdom
Shone throughout the universe like the sun's rays
٣. برٌّ عفيفٌ حليمٌ قادرٌ سطعت
في الكون مثل سطوع الشمس حكمته
4. The shameful cover was lifted by a pure one who loves him
And every crooked one who hates him was bent
٤. حي اللثام تقٍ يهواه كل نقٍ
يشناه كل شقٍّ داجت سريرته
5. He came to Syria when it was deprived of rain
So it overflowed until it became like the sea in its abundance
٥. جاء الشآم وكان الغيث يهجرها
ففاض حتى غدت كالبحر ديمته
6. He singled out its transgressors and chose its best
He still supports it, for justice is his trait
٦. أبان فاجرها واختار خيرها
لا زال ناصرها فالعدل شيمته
7. O the best one whose appearance beautified the world
And the best one whose merits made his conduct praised
٧. يا خير من زهت الدنيا بطلعته
وخير من مدحت بالفضل سيرته
8. Every good deed done in the world by us
Is through your awe-inspiring agent taking charge of it
٨. ما أصلح اللَه في الدنيا لنا عملاً
إلا وعاملك المرهوب علته
9. So submit, excel, and rise above in merit, you who trace
Your lineage to him, O member of the Prophet's family
٩. فاسلم وسدوابق وارق الفضل منتسبٌ
إليك يا من لأهل البيت نسبته
10. We did not know, when you entered Syria delighted,
Whether your radiant face outshone the sun in its rising
١٠. لم ندر لما دخلت الشام منشرحاً
ونور وجهك فوق الشمس ندوته
11. Or did a historian's sun rise recording your praise
Or did the kingdom shine when you came, lauded
١١. أأشرقت في الدجى شمت مؤرخةٌ
أم أشرق الملك لما جاء مدحته