1. My Master, your promise has exceeded its time
And the free man fulfills his promise on time
١. مولاي وعدك جاز حد زمانِهِ
والحر ينجز وعده بأوانِهِ
2. So have mercy on a cursed slave, destitute
Who tells of events in his deprivation
٢. فارحم أبيت اللعن عبداً مفلساً
يتحدث الأحداث في حرمانه
3. He ate bread for a year from his baker
And denied bread with procrastination to his fattener
٣. أكل الكِرا عاماً على خبَّازه
ونفى الكرى بالمطل على سمّانه
4. The rain from his eyelids, the lightning from
His branches, and the thunder from his tremors
٤. الغيث من أجفانه والبرق من
أشجانه والرعد من خفقانه
5. I remain bound in poverty's shackles
And remain bound with praise in his register
٥. أيدوم في قيد العسار مكبلاً
ويدوم قيد المدح في ديوانه
6. I have in you poetry, if I praised tendencies with it
It would crave and seat me on his balcony
٦. لي فيك شعر لو مدحت به السهى
لهوى وأجلسني على إيوانه
7. And an idol, if the young man greeted it with him
Would take alabaster from its maker
٧. وثناً إذا حيا به الصخر الفتى
يتناول الإسفنط من صوّانه
8. So favor me, none but Him, for I
Have come to fear only its loss
٨. فانعم بحقي لا سواه فإنني
أصبحت لا أخشى سوى نقصانه
9. Your promise does not cease, overflowing
Watering the gardens of sincerity from its springs
٩. لا زال وعدك عارضاً متدفقاً
يروي جنان الصدق من تهتانه
10. And I remained happy, slaughtering generosity
With it, while the years usurped its lambs
١٠. وبقيت سعداً ذابحاً بسخائه
نوبَ السنين الشهب عن حملانه