
Hope without its nearest cloud

رجاء دون أقربه السحاب

1. Hope without its nearest cloud,
And a promise like the mirage's gleam,

١. رَجاءٌ دُونَ أَقْرَبِه السَّحابُ
وَوَعْدٌ مِثْلُ مَا لَمَعَ الْسَّرَابُ

2. And dallying that makes patience fail regarding it,
And a delay for which no reckoning can avail,

٢. وتَسويفٌ يَكِلُّ الصَّبر عَنْهُ
وَمَطْلٌ مَا يَقُومُ لَهُ حِسَابُ

3. And a time wherein the servants had mastery therein,
And on its sides the wolves were prowling free,

٣. وَدَهْرٌ سَادَتِ الْعُبدانُ فِيهِ
وَعاثَتْ في جَوَانِبِهِ الذِّئابُ

4. And days that have gone from all good lacking,
And a world which the dogs have shared among them,

٤. وأَيَّامٌ خَلَتْ مِنْ كُلِّ خَيْرٍ
وَدُنَيا قَدْ تَوَزَّعَهَا الكلَابُ

5. Dogs, were you to ask them dust,
They would say "With us dust has failed and ceased."

٥. كِلابٌ لَوْ سَأَلْتَهُمُ تُرَاباً
لَقالوا عِنْدَنا انْقَطَعَ التُّرَابُ

6. He who spoke evil of them is chastised,
And though he speak good thereof no reward has he.

٦. يُعَاقَبُ مَنْ أَسَاءَ الْقَوْلَ فِيهِمْ
وَإِنْ يُحْسِنْ فَلَيْسَ لَهُ ثَوَابُ