1. My son, if the physician disappoints me, son of Muslim
Who is solemn, and if the gifted orator disappoints me
١. بُنَيَّ لئنْ أَعْيا الطَّبِيبَ ابنَ مُسلمٍ
ضَناكَ وَأعْيا ذا البَيان المُسجَّعِ
2. I will implore beneath the darkness with a prayer
Whenever one calls upon Him to Allah listening
٢. لأَبْتَهِلَنْ تحتَ الظَّلامِ بِدَعوَةٍ
متَى يَدْعُها داعٍ إِلى اللَّه يسْمعِ
3. Whose sobbing shakes what is between the ribs
It has an intercessor from worry and humility
٣. يُقَلْقِلُ ما بَيْنَ الضُّلوعِ نَشيجُها
لها شافِعٌ مِنْ عَبرَةٍ وَتَضَرُّعِ
4. To the Reliever of distress, the Responder to one who prays
I took refuge with my distress; truly He is the best refuge
٤. إلى فارجِ الكَرْبِ المجيبِ لمَن دَعا
فَزِعتُ بِكَرْبي إِنَّهُ خَيرُ مَفْزَعِ
5. So O best Invoked, I called upon You so listen
And I have no intercessor other than Your favor so intercede
٥. فَيا خَيرَ مَدْعُوٍّ دَعَوتُكَ فَاْستَمِعْ
وما لِي شَفِيْعٌ غَيْرُ فَضْلِكَ فَاشْفَعِ