
Oh beauty that came to seduce all people

يا فتنة بعثت على الخلق

1. Oh beauty that came to seduce all people
There's no difference between you and death

١. يا فِتْنةً بُعثتْ على الخَلقِ
ما بينَها والموت من فَرْقِ

2. A sun has risen in the west for you
Its smile outshines lightning

٢. شَمسٌ بَدَتْ لكَ من مَغاربها
يَفْترُّ مبْسِمُها عنِ البَرْقِ

3. I did not know before seeing you
That the sun could rise from anywhere but the east

٣. ما كنتُ أَدري قبلَ رُؤيتها
للشَّمسِ مُطَّلعاً سِوى الشَّرقِ

4. O you who resents the blessings given to others
If only you had the keys to destiny in your hands

٤. يا مَنْ يَضِنُّ بفضلِ نائِلِهِ
لو في يَدَيه مَفاتِحُ الرِّزقِ