
You know what is in my soul

أنت بما في نفسه أعلم

1. You know what is in my soul
So judge as you would like to judge

١. أنتَ بما في نفسهِ أعلمْ
فاحكُمْ بما أحببتَ أن تحكُمْ

2. His glances in love have violated
What I kept hidden, and love cannot be hidden

٢. ألحاظُه في الحبِّ قد هَتكتْ
مكتومَهُ والحبُّ لا يُكتَمْ

3. O savage and cruel beauty that has killed
A soul without soul and has not wronged

٣. يا مقلةً وحشيَّةً قتلتْ
نفساً بلا نفْسٍ ولم تَظلِمْ

4. She said, I consoled myself, so I said to her
Why is my heart obsessed and infatuated

٤. قالتْ تَسلَّيتُ فقلتُ لها
ما بالُ قلبي هائمٌ مُغرمْ

5. O visitor for a lifetime
You have said about it what you do not know

٥. يا أيُّها الزّاري على عُمرٍ
قد قلتَ فيهِ غير ما تَعلمْ