1. No home is inhabited except it becomes abandoned
Nor any happiness fulfilled except it becomes sorrow
١. لا بَيتَ يُسْكنُ إلا فَارَقَ السَّكَنا
ولا امْتَلا فَرحاً إلا امْتَلا حَزَنا
2. Yearning for a dead man, joy has died with him
If he were alive, he would revive faith and traditions
٢. لهْفاً على ميِّتٍ ماتَ السرورُ بهِ
لو كان حَياً لأَحْيا الدِّينَ والسُّنَنا
3. Oh! For you Abu Bakr, I lament repeatedly
If it calmed or lessened our agony
٣. واهاً عليك أَبا بكرٍ مُردَّدةً
لو سكَّنَتْ وَلَهاً أو فتَّرتْ شَجَنا
4. Whenever I remember you I say, alas our sorrow
And no words relieve our sorrow, alas our sorrow
٤. إذا ذكرتُكَ يوماً قلت واحَزَنا
وما يَرُدُّ عليكَ القولُ واحَزَنا
5. My master and respite of my soul in my body
Why doesn't death come to me as it came to you
٥. يا سَيِّدي ومراحَ الرُّوحِ في بَدَني
هَلا دَنا الموتُ منّي حيثُ مِنكَ دنا
6. Until it takes us back to a dark depth
A grave, and dresses us in one shroud
٦. حتى يعودَ بنا قَعرِ مُظلمةٍ
لحْدٌ ويُلبسَنا في واحدٍ كَفَنا
7. Oh the most fragrant soul in people, a body contained it
I entrust God with that soul and body
٧. يا أطيبَ الناسِ رُوحاً ضمَّهُ بَدَنٌ
أَستودعُ اللَّهَ ذاك الروحَ والبَدَنا
8. If I were given the world in exchange for it
The world would not have been its price
٨. لو كنتُ أُعطَى به الدُنيا مُعاوَضَةً
منهُ لما كانتِ الدُّنيا له ثَمَنا