
From a lover whose illness was cured by her kiss

من محب شفه سقمه

1. From a lover whose illness was cured by her kiss,
Whose flesh and blood withered away.

١. مِن مُحبٍّ شفَّهُ سَقَمُه
وتلاشَى لحمُهُ ودمُه

2. A writer whose pages lamented,
Whose pen wept with mercy.

٢. كاتبٌ حنّتْ صَحيفتُهُ
وبكى من رَحمةٍ قلمُه

3. He raises his complaints to a moon
Whose darkness is uncovered from its face.

٣. يرفعُ الشّكوى إلى قمرٍ
تَنْجلي عن وجههِ ظُلَمهْ

4. One whose forehead is for the horn of the sun,
And whose smile is for the flash of lightning.

٤. مَن لِقرنِ الشّمسِ جبْهتهُ
ولِلمعِ البَرقِ مُبْتسَمُهْ

5. You have addled my reason, O criticizer!
Indeed, I do not accuse my reason.

٥. خَلّ عَقلي يا مُسَفِّههُ
إِنَّ عَقلي لستُ أتَّهمُهْ

6. The young man has a reason by which he lives,
Wherever his feet guide his legs.

٦. لِلفتى عقلٌ يعيشُ بهِ
حَيثُ تَهدي ساقَهُ قدمُهْ