
Say what seems good to you and do it

قل ما بدا لك وافعل

1. Say what seems good to you and do it
And cut or tie your ropes

١. قُلْ ما بَدا لكَ وافْعلِ
واقْطعْ حِبالكَ أو صِلِ

2. This is spring, so give it life
And descend to the most generous abode

٢. هذا الرَّبيعُ فحيِّهِ
وانزلْ بأكرمِ منزِلِ

3. And join what is joined
And if you dislike, then change

٣. وصِلِ الذي هو واصِلٌ
وإذا كرِهْتَ فَبدِّلِ

4. And if a dwelling or residence calls you
Then move

٤. وإذا نَبا بك منزلٌ
أو مسكنٌ فتحوَّلِ

5. And if you become needy, do not be
Humbling yourself or pretending

٥. وإذا افْتقرتَ فلا تَكُنْ
مُتخشِّعاً وتجمَّلِ