
God's gift is the separation of lovers, He does as He pleases

لله در البين ما يفعل

1. God's gift is the separation of lovers, He does as He pleases
He kills whom He wants, and is not killed

١. للَّهِ دَرُّ البَينِ ما يَفعلُ
يَقتلُ مَن يشاءُ ولا يُقتلُ

2. They spent the night with those whom they loved
And the first night was followed by the last

٢. بانُوا بمن أهواهُ في ليلةٍ
ردَّ على آخرها الأَوَّلُ

3. Oh long night of one suffering from love's pangs
And the dawn following it was even longer

٣. يا طُولَ ليلِ المُبتلى بالهَوى
وصُبحُهُ من ليلهِ أطْولُ

4. For the abode reminded me of its outlines
I was about to forget from so much remembrance

٤. فالدارُ قد ذكَّرني رسمُها
ما كِدتُ عن تَذكارِهِ أَذْهَلُ

5. Passion stirred up an outline in the cheek of youth
Foreign, incomprehensible, transformed

٥. هاجَ الهوى رسمٌ بذاتِ الغَضى
مُخْلولقٌ مُسْتعجمٌ مُحْوِلُ