
O king who is graced by the pulpit,

يا ملكا يزدهي به المنبر

1. O king who is graced by the pulpit,
And the grand mosque which he built,

١. يا ملكاً يَزْدهي به المنبرْ
والمسجدُ الجامعُ الذي عَمَّرْ

2. God's caliph on earth,
Who brings joy openly and secretly to people,

٢. خليفةُ اللَّه في بريَّتهِ
يُسرُّ للنّاسِ مثلَ ما يَجْهرْ

3. O moon of the land, if you are absent,
You have established for the people a blossoming star,

٣. يا قمرَ الأرضِ إنْ تغبْ فلقد
أقمتَ للناس كوكباً يُزْهَرْ

4. The people have not rejoiced as they did,
When the writer was discharged and the minister appointed,

٤. ما فرحَ الناسُ مثلَ فرحتِهمْ
لمّا أُقيلَ الأديبُ واستُوزِرْ

5. And the king was delighted when he appointed him,
The eye of the Imam through which he sees,

٥. وابتهجَ المُلكُ حينَ دبَّرَهُ
عينُ الإمامِ التي بها يُبْصِرْ

6. An axis around which all matters and opinions revolve,
Every time a decree is issued,

٦. قُطْبٌ عليه المدارُ أجمعُهُ
في الأمرِ والرأيِ كلَّما دبَّرْ

7. The house did not cease being blind throughout his absence,
Until he took charge of it, and it saw,

٧. لم يزلِ البيتُ طولَ غيبتهِ
أعمى فلما اسْتَوى بهِ أبصَرْ