
The whiteness of hoary age has appeared

بياض شيب قد نصع

1. The whiteness of hoary age has appeared
I have raised it, but it did not rise

١. بياضُ شيبٍ قَدْ نَصَعْ
رَفعتُهُ فما ارتَفَعْ

2. When it saw the white hair, it recoiled
Between despair and hope

٢. إِذا رَأى البِيضَ انْقَمَعْ
مِنْ بَينِ يَأسٍ وطَمَعْ

3. By Allah, the days of youth
Oh, would that I were in them a log

٣. للَّهِ أَيَّامُ النَّخَعْ
يَا ليتَني فِيها جَذعْ

4. I would hide in them and settle down

٤. أَخُبُّ فيها وأَضَعْ