
With tears flowing down his cheeks

مستهام دمعه سافح

1. With tears flowing down his cheeks
And passion burning between his eyelids

١. مُسْتَهامٌ دَمْعُهُ سَافِحُ
بَيْنَ جَفْنَيْهِ هَوىً قادِحُ

2. Whenever he finds the path of guidance
Both reproacher and carper avoid him

٢. كُلَّما أَمَّ سَبيلَ الهُدى
عافَهُ السانِحُ وَالبارِحُ

3. He makes peace among his enemies
While he separates from his loved ones

٣. حلَّ فيما بَيْنَ أعدائِهِ
وَهْوَ عَنْ أحْبابِهِ نازِحُ

4. O you who kindles the fire of passion
Fuel it, O kindler of the fire

٤. أَيُّها القادِحُ نارَ الهوى
اصْلَها يا أَيُّها القادِحُ