1. Victory follows victory
In them no truce or reconciliation
١. هو الفتحُ منظوماً على إثرِهِ الفتحُ
وما فيهما عهدٌ ولا فيهما صُلحُ
2. Except that pardon came after power
And the best things come after power with pardon
٢. سِوى أنَّ صَفحاً كانَ من بعدِ قُدرةٍ
وأحسنُ مقرونٍ إلى قُدرةٍ صَفحُ
3. Ask the sword and the pool-like spear about them
And you will hear what the sword and spear tell
٣. سَلِ السَّيفَ والرُّمحَ الرُّدينيَّ عنهما
فتسمعَ ما يُنْبي به السيفُ والرمحُ
4. Indeed on the day of the Arabs it interceded for us
Far off for us in which is safety and success
٤. لقد شَفعت يومَ العروبةِ عِندَها
بعيدٍ لنا فيه السلامةُ والنُّجحُ
5. Sacrifices went on the day of their flesh feast
And no feast is adorned unless there is slaughter in it
٥. ذبائحُ راحتْ يوَم عيدِ لحومِها
وما ازدانَ عيدٌ لا يكونُ بهِ ذبحُ
6. We coupled them, a register of war once
And a vile mob whose taste has no salt
٦. قَرَيناهُمُ سَجْلاً من الحربِ مُرَّةً
وعَشراً ركيكاً ليس في طَعمهِ ملحُ
7. And an altar whose flour was kneaded
And which greens whenever the sprinkler wets it
٧. ومُقْرَبة يشقرُّ في النَّقْعِ كمْتُها
وتَخْضرُّ حيناً كلَّما بَلَّها الرَّشحُ
8. You see them in the outpouring of blood as if
That outpouring clothed them in red carnelian
٨. تَراهُنَّ في نَضْحِ الدماءِ كأنَّما
كساها عَقيقاً أحمراً ذلكَ النَّضحُ
9. They fly without feathers to every scream
And swim on land in which there is no swimming
٩. تطيرُ بلا ريشٍ إلى كلِّ صَيحةٍ
وتَسبحُ في البرِّ الَّذي ما بهِ سَبْحُ
10. Over them is every hero practitioner
Who sees the seriousness of war from his strength is jest
١٠. عليها منَ الأبطالِ كلُّ مُمارِسٍ
يرى أن جِدَّ الحربِ من بأسهِ مَزْحُ
11. The enemies count it a disaster upon them
While to us its demeanor is easy and forgiving
١١. يَعدُّونَه الأعداءُ كَرْباً عليهمُ
على أنه طَلقٌ لنا وجهُهُ سَمْحُ
12. And the son of Hafsoun used to count his steeds
As gifts before this day so they are our gift
١٢. وكانَ ابنُ حفصونٍ يعدُّ جيادَهُ
سَراحينَ قبلَ اليومِ فهي لنا سَرْحُ
13. He escaped, feeling protected beneath the wings of night's darkness
And the wing does not repay the favor it granted with gratitude
١٣. نَجا مُستَكِنَّاً تحتَ جُنحٍ منَ الدُّجَى
وليسَ يؤدِّي شكرَ ما أنعمَ الجُنْحُ
14. Munya called him, death being intended for him
So scorn from it was little for him
١٤. دعَتْهُ مُنىً كانت عليهِ مَنِيَّةً
فَترْحا لهُ منها وقَلَّ لهُ الترْحُ
15. He wore the garment of the night on the fifth of five
And each of them has a wound in every organ
١٥. تَسرْبَلَ ثوبَ اللَّيلِ خامسَ خمسةٍ
فكلُّهم في كلِّ جارحةٍ جُرحُ
16. They want the dawn upon them to be night
While we want the night if only it were dawn
١٦. يودُّونَ أنَّ الصبحَ ليلٌ عليهمُ
ونحن نودُّ الليلَ لو أَنَّه صُبْحُ
17. Sparks of fire whose fuel was your eyes
So look what the kindling illuminated for you
١٧. أقادِحَ نارٍ كانَ طعمَ وقودِها
بعينيكَ فانظرْ ما أضاءَ لكَ القَدْحُ
18. The sword erased what you adorned at first glance
And below you so look after that what it obliterates
١٨. مَحا السيفُ ما زخرفتَ أوّلَ وَهْلةٍ
ودونكَ فانظرْ بعد ذلكَ ما يَمْحو
19. So how many drinkers among you woke up after their intoxication
And were it not for the sword from their drunkenness they would not awaken
١٩. فكم شاربٍ منكمْ صحا بعدَ سُكرهِ
وما كانَ لولا السيفُ من سُكرهِ يَصْحو
20. As if disasters and pigs were around them
Their tusks severed, the limbs torn apart
٢٠. كأَنَّ بلايا والخنازيرُ حولها
مُقطَّعةُ الأوصالِ أنيابُها كُلحُ
21. The abode of those who denied the messengers of their Lord
And so met a punishment whose time was morning
٢١. ديارُ الَّذينَ كذَّبوا رُسْلَ ربِّهم
فلاقَوا عذاباً كان موعدهُ الصُّبحُ
22. If the ground on which they were killed were to speak
Then surely the ground would cry from the stench of their corpses
٢٢. فلو نطقَ السَّفحُ الذي قُتلوا بهِ
إذنْ لبكَى من نَتْنِ قتلاهُمُ السَّفحُ
23. Blood from which the spears quenched their thirst
So the penis wished that it were a spear
٢٣. دماءٌ شَفتْ منها الرماحُ غَليلَها
فودَّ قضيبُ البانِ لو أنَّه رُمحُ
24. And by God what blessed merchandise of deal
Their loss is for them and for us the profit
٢٤. وللَّهِ ما أَزكى تجارةَ صَفقةٍ
يكونُ لهمْ خُسرانُها ولنا الرِّبحُ
25. We held revelry over it on the day of their feast
So how many Easters for them the Easter was severed
٢٥. أقَمنا عليها اللهوَ في يومِ عيدِهمْ
فكم لهم فِصحاً بهِ قُطعَ الفصحُ
26. Oh how miserable those faces became and how ugly
Created only for misery and ugliness for them
٢٦. ألا تَعِستْ تلكَ الوجوهُ وقُبِّحتْ
فما خُلقا إلّا لها التَّعسُ والقُبحُ
27. So what a calamity that erased the calamity of Rahat
And what resolve without which there is only paunch and goring
٢٧. فيا وقعةً أنستْ وقيعةَ راهطٍ
ويا عزمةً من دونِها البطنُ والنَّطحُ
28. And what a night that left for us honor forever
And humiliation upon the enemies, abundant with contempt
٢٨. ويا ليلةً أبقتْ لنا العزَّ دهرَنا
وذُلّاً على الأعداءِ جلَّ بهِ التَّرحُ
29. With the rule of Abdullah, of might and piety
Its praise in his lowest positions is inspired
٢٩. بدولةِ عبدِ اللَّهِ ذي العزِّ والتُّقَى
يُحبَّرُ في أدنَى مَقاماتهِ المَدْحُ