
A garden whose hands were joined by spring

وروضة عقدت أيدي الربيع بها

1. A garden whose hands were joined by spring
With light to light and match to match

١. ورَوضَةٍ عقدَتْ أَيْدِي الربيعِ بِها
نَوْراً بِنَوْرٍ وتَزْويجاً بتَزْويجِ

2. With pollen from its bracelets and fiction
And produce from its valleys and harvest

٢. بِمُلْقَحٍ مِنْ سَوارِيها وَمُلْحَقَةٍ
ونَاتِجٍ مِنْ غَوادِيها ومَنتُوجِ

3. It was clothed in a softness not spun
From its light a gown not woven

٣. توشَّحَتْ بِمُلاةٍ غَيْرِ مُلْحمةٍ
مِنْ نَوْرِها ورِداءٍ غَيْرِ مَنْسُوجِ

4. So it dressed the flora in its finery
And adorned it with patterns of brocade

٤. فَأَلْبَسَتْ حُلَلَ المَوشِيِّ زَهْرَتها
وَجَلَّلتْها بِأَنْماطِ الدَّيابِيجِ