
A heart of anxiety, its cheerfulness disturbed

ذات دل وشاحها قلق

1. A heart of anxiety, its cheerfulness disturbed
By withering, while its vigor has risen

١. ذاتُ دلٍّ وِشاحُها قلقُ
مِن ضُمورٍ وحِجْلُها شَرِقُ

2. The sun adorned it with light and granted it
A moment for eyes of a lover bursting

٢. بَزَّتِ الشَّمسُ نورَها وحَباها
لحظَ عينيهِ شادِنٌ خَرِقُ

3. Her cheek is gold melting in shyness
And besides that, all is but paper

٣. ذَهبٌ خَدُّها يذوبُ حَياءً
وسِوى ذاكَ كلُّه ورِقُ

4. If the passionate's beloved dies of love
My heart is burnt by passion

٤. إن أَمُتْ مِيتةَ المُحبِّينَ وجْداً
وفؤادي منَ الهوى حَرِقُ

5. So death comes amidst one leaving and travelling
Every living, by its pledge, is fettered

٥. فالمنايا من بينَ غادٍ وسارٍ
كُلُّ حيٍّ برهْنِها غَلِقُ