1. They said your youth has passed, so I replied:
Is there anything new with the passing of time?
١. قالوا شبابُكَ قد ولَّى فقلتُ لهُمْ
هل من جَديدٍ على كرِّ الجَديدينِ
2. Reconcile with those you love, even if they reproach you,
For the sweetest life is to reunite with an old friend.
٢. صِلْ من هَوَيتَ وإنْ أبدى مُعاتَبةً
فأَطيبُ العيشِ وصْلٌ بينَ إِلفينِ
3. And cut off ties with those who no longer get along,
For the world can barely contain two incompatible souls.
٣. وأقْطَعْ حَبَائلَ خلٍّ لا تُلائمُهُ
فربَّما ضاقَتِ الدُّنيا على اثْنينِ