1. Your blame has made me more determined
For I have supporters in love
١. زادَني لومُكَ إصْرارا
إِنَّ لي في الحُبِّ أنْصارا
2. My heart has flown from the passion of Rashad
If it had come near the heart it would not have flown
٢. طارَ قَلبي مِنْ هَوى رَشأٍ
لو دَنا للقَلبِ ما طارا
3. Take my hand, lest I drown
For the sea of love has raged
٣. خُذْ بِكَفِّي لا أمُتْ غَرَقاً
إنَّ بَحْرَ الحُبِّ قَدْ فارا
4. The fire of longing has cooked my liver
And my tears extinguish the fire
٤. أنضجتْ نارُ النَّوى كَبِدي
وَدُمُوعي تُطفِئُ النَّارا
5. How much fire have I lit
That consumes Indian aloeswood and live coal
٥. رُبَّ َنارٍ بتُّ أرمُقُها
تَقْضِمُ الهِنْدِيَّ والغارا