1. O my anguish like fire in my liver
And the alienation of my heart from my body
١. يا غَليلاً كالنارِ في كَبدِي
وَاغْترابِ الفُؤادِ عَنْ جَسَدي
2. And eyelids that shed tears of sorrow
And sell sleep for vigilance
٢. وَجُفُوناً تذري الدمُوعَ أسىً
وَتَبيعُ الرُّقادَ بالسُّهدِ
3. If only he who cured me of his love could see
The sighs of passion in my liver
٣. لَيْتَ مَنْ شَفَّني هَواهُ رَأى
زَفَرات الهَوى على كَبِدي
4. A beautiful gazelle whose abode
Has burdened me with the agony of yearning
٤. غادَةٌ نازِحٌ مَحَلَّتُها
وَكَّلَتْني بِلَوعةِ الكَمَدِ
5. Many a patched garment from less than her is cast off
With nothing in it but a demon, not a human
٥. رُبّ خَرْقٍ مِنْ دُونِها قَذَفٌ
ما بِهِ غَيْرَ الجِنِّ مِنْ أَحَدِ