
Your dwelling is below lofty crags

مقيلك تحت أظلال العوالي

1. Your dwelling is below lofty crags
Your home atop the steeds' galloping

١. مَقيلُكَ تَحتَ أَظْلال العَوالي
وَبَيْتُكَ فَوْقَ صَهواتِ الجِيادِ

2. You flaunt in a silken shirt
And prance about in a cloak of fleece

٢. تَبَخترُ في قمِيصٍ مِنْ دِلاصٍ
وَتَرْفُلُ في رِداءٍ مِنْ نِجادِ

3. As though for war you were a suckling babe
That every cunning wolf did feed

٣. كَأَنَّكَ لِلْحُروبِ رَضيعُ ثَدْيٍ
غَذتْكَ بِكُلِّ داهِيةٍ نَآدِ