
May God make the livelihood of every enemy

جعل الله رزق كل عدو

1. May God make the livelihood of every enemy
In the palm of one I will not name,

١. جعلَ اللَّهُ رزقَ كُلِّ عدوٍّ
لي بكفٍّ لبعضِ مَن لا أُسمِّي

2. The palm of one who never wavers to praise me
And cares not for blame,

٢. كفِّ مَن لا يهزُّ عِطفيهِ يوماً
لمديحٍ ولا يُبالي بذمِّ

3. Who looks to me with hope
With a smiling face and bright brow,

٣. يتلقَّى الرجاءَ منهُ بوجهٍ
راشحِ الخدِّ والجبينِ بسُمِّ

4. I visited him, still he complained to me
Till I thought he would make me cry.

٤. جئتُه زائراً فما زالَ يَشكُو
ليَ حتّى حسبتُه سيُدمِّي

5. Misery found him from every side,
Tormenting him between an uncle and a cousin.

٥. أَلفَ اللُّؤمَ فيه من كلِّ طرفٍ
مُعرِقاً فيهِ بَينَ خالٍ وعَمِّ

6. Good advice has warned me against him many times:
"By my father and mother, you are sincere and wise."

٦. قد نَهاني النَّصيحُ عنهُ مراراً
بأبي أَنتَ مِن نصيحٍ وأُمِّي