1. With a smooth stick above a dune
Of sweet slope, delightful embrace,
١. وقَضيبٍ يميسُ فوقَ كثيبٍ
طَيِّبِ المُجْتنى لذيذِ العناقِ
2. It sang just as it had begun singing
The leg of a free bird above a leg.
٢. قد تَغنَّى كما اسْتَهلَّ يُغني
ساقُ حرٍّ مُغرِّدٍ فوقَ ساقِ
3. It spreads pearls in the ears spreading
Among organized pearls, desirous,
٣. يَنشُرُ الدُّرَّ في المَسامعِ نَشْراً
بينَ دُرٍّ مُنظَّمٍ مُسْتاقِ
4. And we stole from the virgins a virgin
Whose mother was married without dowry
٤. وافْتَضَضْنا منَ العَواتقِ بكراً
نُكحتْ أمُّها بغَيرِ صَداقِ
5. Then she appeared and was not divorced thrice
No free woman appears without divorce
٥. ثمَّ بَانَت ولم تُطلَّقْ ثلاثاً
لم تَبِنْ حُرَّةٌ بغَيرِ طَلاقِ
6. Our religion in listening is urban
And in our drinking is Iraqi wine
٦. دينُنا في السَّماعِ دينٌ مَدِيني
يٍ وفي شُربِنا الشَّرابَ عِراقي