
The maidens awoke me, coquettishly teasing me,

بكرت علي عواذلي يلحينني

1. The maidens awoke me, coquettishly teasing me,
And blaming the one who no longer comes to me.

١. بَكَرتْ عليَّ عَواذلي يَلْحيْنَني
وعَلى الذي لم يَعْدُ بي أَعْدَيْنَني

2. Alas for you! You have grown too old for youthfulness,
And gray hair has forbidden what would seduce me.

٢. إِيهاً عليكَ فقد كبرتَ عن الصِّبا
ونَهى المشيبُ عنِ الذي يَنْهَيْنَني

3. How and why, when they have seen my alteration
From their time, if eyes were to look upon me?

٣. أَنَّى وكيفَ وقد رأينَ تغيُّري
عن عهدِهِنَّ إِذا العيونُ رأيْنَني

4. They rejoice at the separation from youth,
And show enmity to youthfulness by hating me.

٤. وعلى مُفارَقَةِ الشَّبابِ شَمتْنَ بي
وعلى مُعاداةِ الصِّبا عادَينَني

5. They drew me near until, when my heart kindled,
They rejected me, exceeding what drew me near.

٥. أدْنَيْنَني حتّى إذا التَهبَ الجَّوى
أقْصَيْنَني أضعافَ ما أدْنَينَني

6. They tempted me with glances that complain of sadness,
My disease through them, though they may heal me.

٦. وفَتَنَّني بِلواحظٍ تَشكو الضَّنى
دائي بِهنَّ وربَّما داوَيْنَني

7. They ignite in my heart and between my ribs
A burning with the fire of their hell, roasting me.

٧. يُذْكينَ في قَلبي وبَيْنَ جَوانحي
حُرَقاً بنارِ جَحيمِها أصْلَيْنني

8. O son of the caliphs, the days of riches
Were your days of pride that enriched me

٨. يا ابْنَ الخَلائفِ إِنَّ أيّامَ الغِنى
أيَّامُكَ الغُرُّ التي أَغْنَيْنَني

9. With their gifts, their jewelry, and their trinkets,
Watering me until they saturated me.

٩. بِنوالِها وسجالِها وثِمالِها
أسْقَيْنني حتّى لقد أرْوَيْنني