
Where is astronomy, law and governance

فأين الزيج والقانو

1. Where is astronomy, law and governance
And where is algebra, geometry and philosophy

١. فأينَ الزِّيجُ والقانو
نُ والأَرْكنْدُ والكَمَّهْ

2. Where is Indian mathematics and the astrolabe
Where are the tables and charts - are there any traces

٢. وأينَ السِّندُهندُ البا
طل الجدْوَلُ هل ثَمَّهْ

3. Other than nonsense about God the Exalted
Who created confusion

٣. سِوَى الإفكِ على اللَّهِ
تَعالى مُنْشِرُ الرِّمَّهْ

4. If the brother of a star
Can see the unseen that contains it

٤. إذا كان أخو النجْمِ
يرَى الغيبَ بما ضَمَّهْ

5. Why then does he seek provision
Like a helpless, anxious pauper

٥. فلِمْ ذا يطلُبُ الرزقَ
طِلابَ العاجزِ الهِمَّه

6. When this earth has already been filled
With countless buried treasures

٦. وهذي الأرضُ قد وارتْ
كنوزاً عِدَّةً جَمَّهْ

7. By Allah, God's creation cannot contain His knowledge

٧. فلا واللَّهِ ما لل
ه خلقٌ يحتوي علمَهْ