
When the dusty sky is unveiled,

ومغبر السماء إذا تجلى

1. When the dusty sky is unveiled,
He leaves his land like purple dye.

١. ومُغبرِّ السماءِ إذا تَجلَّى
يغادرُ أرضَه كالأرجوانِ

2. Its loftiness equals the height of stars within,
With every finely chiseled and polished fragment.

٢. سَمَوتُ لهُ سموَّ النقعِ فيهِ
بكل مُذَلَّقٍ سَلبِ السِّنَانِ

3. And all the even surfaces are pure,
Like the color of Yemeni salt crystals.

٣. وكُلَّ مُشَطَّبِ المَتْنينِ صافٍ
كلَونِ الملحِ مُنْصَلتٍ يماني

4. As if its day were the dark of night,
And its stars were embers glowing bright.

٤. كأنَّ نهارَهُ ظلماءُ ليلٍ
كواكبُهُ منَ السُّمْرِ اللِّدانِ