1. How Laila has changed
After us, loving another
١. ما لليلى تبدَّلتْ
بعدَنا ودَّ غيرنا
2. She wearied us with blame
After our excuse was made clear
٢. أرهَقَتْنا ملامةً
بعدَ إيضاحِ عُذْرِنا
3. So we asked about her
And she was distracted from us
٣. فسلوْنَا عن ذكرِها
وتسلَّتْ عن ذكرِنا
4. When she became forbidden
And began with estrangement
٤. لم نقُلْ إذ تحرَّمتْ
واسْتهلَّتْ بهجرِنا
5. I wish I knew what she sees
In our matter, mother of Amr
٥. ليتَ شِعري ماذا تَرى
أمُّ عمرٍو في أَمرنا