
A gazelle has inhabited it, and fate has helped its eyes,

غزال زانه الحور

1. A gazelle has inhabited it, and fate has helped its eyes,
When its face appears, the sun and moon portray it,

١. غزالٌ زانَهُ الحَوَرُ
وساعَدَ طَرفَهُ القَدَرُ

2. God created it from light, so neither jinn nor human can touch it,
So it is that worry, not ruins, you stand upon to contemplate,

٢. يُريكَ إذا بَدا وجْهاً
حَكاهُ الشَّمْسُ والقَمَرُ

3. A stronger place has stirred you, and others have changed its sign,

٣. بَراهُ اللَّهُ مِنْ نُورٍ
فَلا جِنٌّ ولا بَشَرُ

٤. فَذاكَ الهمُّ لا طلَلٌ
وقَفْتَ عَلَيْهِ تَعْتَبِرُ

٥. أهاجَكَ مَنْزِلٌ أقوى
وَغَيَّرَ آيَهُ الغِيَرُ