1. The truth is radiant, its path is clear,
And the moon shines in the dark night,
١. الحقُّ أبلجُ واضحُ المنهاجِ
والبدرُ يُشرِقُ في الظلامِ الداجي
2. The sword makes straight the bend of every dissenter,
Whose insight is blinded from the path.
٢. والسَّيفُ يعدلُ مَيلَ كلِّ مخالفٍ
عَميتْ بصيرتُهُ عنِ المنهاجِ
3. And when the forts shake open their gates,
The sword unlocks each sturdy bolt.
٣. وإذا المعاقلُ أُرتجتْ أبوابُها
فالسَّيفُ يفتحُ قُفلَ كلِّ رِتاجِ
4. The Caliph spread resolve for the conflict,
Which wrapped the lands in clamorous tumult.
٤. نشرَ الخليفةُ للخلافِ عزيمةً
طَوتِ البلادَ بجحفَلٍ رَجراجِ
5. An army that gathers regiments in regiments
And masses squadrons upon squadrons.
٥. جيشٌ يلفُّ كتائباً بكتائبٍ
ويضمُّ أفواجاً إلى أفواجِ
6. You see it swarm with spears and lances
Like the sea in the clash of waves,
٦. وتراهُ يأفِرُ بالقنابلِ والقَنا
كالبحرِ عندَ تَلاطُمِ الأمواجِ
7. With standards fluttering in the breeze
Its densely packed waves ebbing and flowing.
٧. متقاذفُ العِبْرَينِ تخفُقُ بالصَّبا
راياتُه مُتدافعُ الأمواجِ
8. From each impetuous charger of sturdy flanks,
Broad-chested, reliable in onslaught.
٨. من كلِّ لاحقةِ الأياطلِ شُدَّفٍ
رحبِ الصدورِ أمينةِ الأثباجِ
9. You see the iron shudder and their skins crawl
In fear of the stab the day after each attack.
٩. وترى الحديدَ فتقشَعرُّ جُلودُها
خوفَ الطِّعانِ غداةَ كلِّ نِهاجِ
10. A herd like the darkness in its blackness,
And some of them yellow in color like ivory.
١٠. دُهمٌ كأَسْدفةِ الظَّلامِ وبعضُها
صفرُ المناظرِ كاصفرارِ العاجِ
11. From each towering noble steed tied as though
Its forelocks were knotted round the acacia's trunk.
١١. من كلِّ سامي الأَخْدعَينِ كأنَّما
نِيطتْ شكائمُهُ بجذعِ الساجِ
12. When they swept down upon Bala overnight,
Its covenants were stronger than aloes wood.
١٢. لمّا جفلْنَ إلى بلاي عشيَّةً
أقْوتْ معاهدُها منَ الأعلاجِ
13. It was as though amidst their homesteads pounced
The lion of the lair upon a flock of sheep.
١٣. فكأنَّما جاسَتْ خلالَ ديارِهمْ
أُسدُ العرينِ خَلَت بِسربِ نِعاجِ
14. Ibn Hafsun escaped, but he whom the sword seeks
Will find no refuge, however far he flees.
١٤. ونَجا ابنُ حفصونٍ ومَن يكنِ الرَّدى
والسيفُ طالبُهُ فليسَ بناجِ
15. In a night wherein he was captured, it was as though
The night of ascension had been revealed to him.
١٥. في ليلةٍ أسرت بِهِ فكأنَّما
خِيلَتْ لديهِ ليلةَ المعراجِ
16. He never ceased to beget every adverse war,
But now you have generated its happy issue.
١٦. ما زال يَلقحُ كلَّ حربٍ حائلٍ
فالآنَ أنتَجها بشَرِّ نِتاجِ
17. If you ask the loyal who they are,
They say: loyal to each dark night.
١٧. فإذا سألتَهُمُ مَواليَ مَن هُمُ
قالوا مواليَ كلِّ ليلٍ داجِ
18. The deserters rode off, men tried
In the gloom of night and knotty problems.
١٨. ركبَ الفِرارُ بعُصبةٍ قد جرَّبوا
غِبَّ السُّرَى وعواقبَ الإدلاجِ
19. And a remnant remained in the fortress, around which
The gate of deliverance shook however it could.
١٩. وبقيّةٌ في الحصنِ أُرتجَ دونَهمْ
بابُ السلامةِ أيَّما إرتاجِ
20. The passes were closed off from them,
As though created without any passes.
٢٠. سُدَّتْ فِجاجُ الخافقَينِ عليهمُ
فكأنَّما خُلقا بغيرِ فِجاجِ
21. Their misguidance turned back on its heels
And their unbelief bent down to the ground.
٢١. نَكصتْ ضَلالَتُهمْ على أعقابِها
وانصاعَ كفرُهمُ على الأدراجِ
22. If an ignorant man comes asking about them,
Who has not seen the blood of death's throes,
٢٢. مَن جاء يسألُ عنهمُ من جاهلٍ
لم يرو سَغباً من دمِ الأوداجِ
23. Those are they above the pavement, some
Whispering together without any secret talk.
٢٣. فأولاكَ هم فوق الرَّصيفِ وقد صَغا
بعضٌ إلى بعضٍ بغيرِ تَناجِ
24. They rode up to the amir's gate as captives,
Richly adorned with halter and saddlecloth.
٢٤. رَكبوا على بابِ الأميرِ صوافِناً
غَنِيَتْ من الإلجامِ والإسراجِ
25. Their chief, his forehead was as though
His turban had been dyed in indigo.
٢٥. أضحى كبيرُهمُ كأنَّ جَبينَهُ
خُضبتْ أسِرَّتُه بماءِ الزاجِ
26. When he saw the caliph's crown, the cross
Took for him the place of the crown.
٢٦. لما رأى تاجَ الخلافةِ خانَهُ
قامَ الصَّليبُ له مَقامَ التَّاجِ
27. These are the conquests which have ignited for us
In the darkness of horizons a lamp's light.
٢٧. هذي الفتوحاتُ التي أَذكتْ لنا
في ظُلمةِ الآفاقِ نورَ سِراجِ