1. And an army like the back of the raging sea, blown by the morning breeze
Surging with waves, spears and missiles
١. وجيشِ كظَهرِ اليمِّ تَنْفُخُهُ الصَّبا
يَعُبُّ عُبوباً من قَناً وقنابلِ
2. Whose vanguards attack though not to settle
And whose rearguards march away though not to return
٢. فتنزلُ أُولاهُ وليسَ بنازلٍ
وترْحلُ أُخراهُ وليسَ براحلِ
3. And a fierce, terrible battle whose strokes
Are goblets of blood from kidneys and joints
٣. ومُعتَركٍ ضَنْكٍ تَعاطَتْ كُماتُهُ
كؤوسَ دِماءٍ من كُلىً ومَفاصلِ
4. They pass them leisurely among themselves
On thin, white pages or with jet black messages
٤. يديرونَها راحاً من الروحِ بينَهم
ببيضٍ رقاقٍ أو بِسُمْرٍ ذَوابِلِ
5. And in their midst the mother of death makes them hear
The singing of the blades beneath the cleavers
٥. وتُسمِعُهُم أُمُّ المَنِيَّةِ وسْطَها
غناءَ صَليلِ البيضِ تحتَ المناصلِ