
The cup that came from Tiznab

ذكرت من طيزناباذ

1. The cup that came from Tiznab
Recalled, in the alleys of Karakh at Baghdad,

١. ذَكَرَتْ مِنْ طِيزَناباذِ
فَقُرى الْكَرْخِ بِبغداذِ

2. A coffee neither tasty nor fresh nor strong,
Once that made the forbearing spit in rage:

٢. قَهوةً لَيْسَتْ بِبَاذِقةٍ
لا وَلا بِتْعٍ ولا داذِي

3. By my father, from a real master that!
For with us she's mistress of the cups that cheer

٣. مُرَّةً يَهذِي الحَليمُ بِهَا
بِأبي ذلك منْ هاذِي

4. And deeper meanings are my master's wont.

٤. فَهيَ أسْتاذُ الشرابِ بنا
وَالمعاني دَأبُ أسْتاذِي