
Guidance regained its straight path,

أما الهدى فاستقام من أوده

1. Guidance regained its straight path,
Stretching its ropes upon its pillars.

١. أمّا الهُدَى فاستقامَ من أوَدِهْ
ومدَّ أطنابَهُ على عَمَدِهْ

2. The religion revived after its stumbling,
His power reconnected to its support.

٢. وانتعشَ الدينُ بعدَ عَثْرتهِ
واتّصلتْ كفُّهُ على عَضدِهْ

3. Disbelief was shaken from its foundations,
And the head of hypocrisy was severed from its trunk.

٣. وزُلزِلَ الكفرُ من قَواعدهِ
وجُبَّ رأسُ النِّفاقِ من كَتَدِهْ

4. With the conquest of Gerona which preceded
All that the palms of discord had counted.

٤. بفتحِ قَرْمونةَ التي سَبَقتْ
ما عدَّ كفُّ الخلافِ من عددِهْ

5. Through the good fortune of the nobility of Umayyads,
And the best of them feeding its dependants.

٥. بيُمْن أسنَى أُميَّةٍ حَسَباً
وخيرِهم رافداً لمُرتفدِهْ

6. The just Imam ruling over his subjects,
More compassionate than a father for his son.

٦. إمامُ عدلٍ على رعيَّتهِ
أشفقُ من والدٍ على ولدِهْ

7. He revived justice for us after its death,
And returned the spirit of life to its body.

٧. أحيا لنا العدلَ بعدَ مِيتَتِهِ
وردَّ روحَ الحياةِ في جسدِهْ

8. Every day he increases in generosity,
And description falls short of his unlimited lifetime.

٨. في كلِّ يومٍ يزيدُ مكرُمةً
ويَقصرُ الوصفُ على مدَى أمدِهْ

9. Yesterday was inferior to today in nobility,
And today is surpassed by tomorrow in generosity.

٩. فأمسُهُ دونَ يومهِ كرَماً
ويومُه في السَّماحِ دونَ غدِهْ

10. To Allah belongs the servant Abdurrahman,
Wearing the garment of generosity, believing in Him.

١٠. للَّهِ عبدُ الرَّحمنِ من مَلكٍ
لابسِ ثوبِ السَّماحِ مُعتقدِهْ